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Team Building 2016

Organizing Chairperson: Adrian Teo Kuek Ee

Vice Organizing Chairperson: Tay Boon Hui

Date & Time: 10 December 2016, 7.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Kubah National Park


11 SSIET on Campus Committee Members

4 SSIET members

Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus (SSIET) had successfully organized Team Building 2016. Organized by Adrian Teo with the assistance of Tay Boon Hui, it was held on 10 December where Kubah National Park was the chosen destination. The purpose of this event was to build strong bonds of the committee members.

At 7.30 am, participants are required to meet up at Swinburne University block A lobby to record attendance. Then, committee members was assigned to 3 cars after gathering. Program flow can be found below.

Program flow:

7.30 am

Gathering of participants at block A lobby, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus.

8.00 am

Participants are split into 3 cars to carpool the whole journey.

Participants depart to McDonald’s, Matang to have their breakfast before commencing on the next activity.

9.00 am

Team leaders (drivers) must do a thorough head count before proceeding to Kubah National Park after their meals.

9.30 am

Organizing chairperson (Adrian Teo) gave instructions to the team leaders after arriving at Kubah National Park. Team leaders are assigned to watch over their respective committee members throughout the trip.

9.40 am

Participants head up a long pathway before taking a right turn to the waterfall trail.

During the walk, there was a small detour trail called the “Rayu Trail”. This trail passes through the mixed dipterocarp forest and ends at Matang Wildlife Centre. The overall journey will take an approximate 3 hours and it will show different types of forest found in Kubah with outstanding diversity including the Bintagor Tree and Tongkat Ali.

10.20 am

After about 40 minutes the participant arrived at the waterfall trail. This trail is 1.5 km long and will take about an hour of leisure walk to reach the waterfall. Participants also can find mixed dipterocarp forest along the way.

Some interesting features found are the stingless-bee nest and Strangling Fig Tree.

Figure 1: SSIET committees are hiking up to the waterfall trail

11.30 am

Everyone arrived at the waterfall safely and had a short rest before proceeding to take photos.

Figure 2: Caleb Low pointing to the waterfall

Figure 3: Members and committees take a group photo at the waterfall

12.30 pm

Committees and members pack everything and ensure there was no litter left behind after the sharing session at the foot of the waterfall.

2.00 pm

Gathering at the entrance before embarking to lunch at Hartz Chicken

4.00 pm

All the participants arrive safely at Swinburne University lobby safely before disperse.

Prepared by,



<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 17 December 2016


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