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Organizing Chairperson: Kok Zhen Hui

Date & Time : 28 March 2018, 2.30PM-5.30PM

Venue: Block G Room 407, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


3 judges

6 committee members

4 IET member as participants

1 non IET members as participants

On the 28 March 2018, SSIET organized Present Around the World with a total number of 5 participants. The participants had presented their ideas with inspiration. The reason for the event is to encourage youth to present their passion in technology. The program schedule will be shown below.



Arrival of the committee members.

Supposed to reach earlier at 2.00PM but the room was used by another lecture class


Arrival of participants and judges.

A total of 5 participants arrived for the competition and 3 judges arrived on time


Welcome speech by the organizing chairman.

A brief introduction about the rules of the competition.


The first participant’s presentation.

Caleb Low presented about his Black Solder Fly Aviary System for Waste Management


The second participant’s presentation.

Melvin Wee presented about his Natural Gas Dehydration Method


The third participant’s presentation.

Christopher Tan presented about his organic solar cell.


The Fourth participant’s presentation

Chan Hui Sin presented about her Robots and the Future


The final participant’s presentation

Bryan Tan presented about his Nature- the greatest engineer on the planet


Short Break and mark calculation


Announcing the results of PATW 2016.

Christopher is the champion followed by Bryan Wees



Pies and packet drinks are given out to the participants and judges. Audience also given packet drinks as refreshments.


Closing ceremony.

Committees stayed back to clean the place up and left the place shortly.

Figure 1 Group Photo to witness all the hard work of participants and Judges.

Figure 2 Mdm Christina Yin receiving her plaque of appreciation.

Figure 3 Dr Almon Chai receiving his plaque of appreciation.

Figure 4 Dr Lai Chean Hung receiving his plaque of appreciation.

Prepared by:


Organizing Chairperson,

Present Around the World 2018 - Swinburne Round Swinburne Sarawak Institute of Engineers Technology.

Date: 1 April 2018

Organizing Chairperson : Kelly Tan Hui Yee

Date & Time : 14 March 2018, 10:30am – 4:30pm

Venue : G block lobby, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus Participants:

26 IET member(s)

14 non-IET member(s)

On the 14th of March 2018, SSIET organized an event called Pi Day. Many students of Swinburne Sarawak had visited the SSIET Pi Day booth on that day. Participants or challengers were able to try multiple times on the Pi Math and Pi Quiz. Besides, there is also a Pi Memorization Challenge for the participants, a challenge to memorize the most digits of Pi. The participant with the highest score on the Pi Math and Pi Memorization Challenge had received a limited IET jacket, IET shirt and IET stress ball as reward. The champion who scored the highest in Pi Quiz had received an IET shirt and IET stress ball. All participants or challengers were given a free bookmark for each try.

The event started at 10:30am, and ended at 4.30pm. Happenings for the event are as follows:

10:00 am

SSIET working committees arrived at G Block lobby to set up the booth. The games, Pi Math, Pi Quiz and Pi Memorization Challenge, were done electronically.

10:30 am

The booth was open for visitors. The fee per challenge was RM1.00 for all the games. Challengers or participants were allowed to try more than once in order to obtain the highest score.

4.00 pm

Scores of all participants or challengers were tallied and the champion with the highest score was contacted to attend the prize giving ceremony at the booth.

Figure 1: The user interface of the Pi Math.

Figure 2: The highest result achieved in Pi Memorization Challenge.

Figure 3: Challengers participating in the Pi Day.

Figure 4: Pi Day OC with Pi Challenge Champion.

Figure 5: Pi Day OC with Pi Math Champion.

Organizing Chairperson: Adrian Teo

Date & Time: 1 April 2017, 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Venue: B311, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


10 IET member(s)

1 non-IET member(s)

On the 1st of April 2017, SSIET organized the preliminary round of PATW 2017. 3 participants had taken part in the competition. SSIET had invited Mdm. Christina Yin from the faculty of language and communication, Dr Chua Hong Siang from the faculty of engineering, computing and science and lastly, Miss Priscilla Toh from Epsilon Jurutera Perunding as judges for the event. The event started at 10:30am, and ended at 6.30pm. Happenings for the event are as follows:

1:45 pm

SSIET working committees arrived at the venue to prepare the venue for participants and judges.

1:50 pm

Participants and judges arrived. Peter Ling started the event with an introduction speech to brief the judges on the time keeping rules and also introduce the judges to participants and audience.

2:00 pm

Bernard Chang started his presentation followed up by the second presenter, Christopher Tan and lastly Tan Leong Woon.

2:45 pm

Judging forms are collected from the judges and committees rank participants according to the score given. After calculating and ranking, Peter Ling announced the winner on the PATW 2017 preliminary which is Christopher Tan. Second place goes to Tan Leong Woon and Bernard Chang placed third.

3:00 pm

Giving prize of appreciation to judges and followed by refreshments.

3:30 pm

Clean up and leave

Figure 1: Peter giving introduction speech to audience

Figure 2: First presenter, Bernard Chang

Figure 3: Second presenter, Christopher Tan

Figure 4: Third presenter, Tan Leong Woon

Prepared by,

Jonathan Ho Siew kit


<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 2 April 2017

Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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