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IET Faraday Challenge 

The Faraday Challenge is a STEM-based Competition organized globally by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), aiming to give students the opportunity to research, design and develop solutions to engineering problems. In addition, the challenge encourages students to work effectively as a team and perseverance.

The IET Faraday Challenge is not just about competition. It is about nurturing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) among primary and secondary students. We want all the students have the same opportunity to learn about STEM. If any schools are interested in conducting IET Faraday workshop for their students, do not hesitate to contact SSIET.

About IET Faraday Challenge Sarawak Zone 2019

This is the first time Swinburne Sarawak IET (SSIET) organised the IET Faraday Challenge in the whole Sarawak. The event was kicked of by Dr Chua Hong Siang and vice-chairperson, Jehovah Yii Zui Hon. SSIET is collaborating with the IET Malaysia Network and IET Faraday Malaysia Committees. The whole Faraday Sarawak Zone programme is divided into 4 stages.

SSIET Faraday Workshop TTT 2019_Page_09.

In the first stage, SSIET organised a Faraday Challenge workshop for Swinburne students, majority of the students are from SSIET. The objectives of the workshop are to train Swinburne students to become a Faraday mentor or trainer, which later they can conduct their own Faraday workshop at different secondary schools in Sarawak. All the trainers whom joined the workshop are listed as trainers or mentors for next year Faraday event as Faraday Challenge is an annual event. 


In Phase two & three, SSIET had visited and conducted two workshops for SMK Bako and International Lodge School in Kuching. We will continue conducting workshops for other secondary schools after the competition ends and as a preparation for next year challenge.


The first Faraday Challenge in Sarawak state will be held at Swinburne Sarawak on 22 June 2019. The details can be found in the promo video.





 To learn more about IET Faraday Challenge, kindly visit Resources page.


Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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