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Benefits and Advantages

1. Student Membership


Becoming a Student member of the Institution is simply a way of knowing what’s important in the engineering and technology industry. Whether you’re working towards your first degree, starting out on your research or if you’re juggling study and work on an Apprenticeship, the Institution of Engineering and Technology can help.


Joining the Institution as a Student member is one of the best decisions you will make. It includes all the advantages that a full-paying member enjoys at a fraction of the cost and furthermore will open up a whole world of services and contacts for you to develop the necessary skills for success.


You can join online in a matter of minutes, but in the meantime, read on to find out more about the advantages of being a member…


2. Student & Graduate Magazine


Published three times a year (October, February and May) this magazine will help you to gain a competitive edge with careers advice, technical articles, information about our events and services plus a section on graduate jobs – an opportunity not to be missed!


3. Circuit


Circuit is our dedicated website for students and young professionals where you can discover career opportunities and gain a better understanding of your field. You can download lots of interesting stuff including wallpapers and screensavers for your PC, get your voice heard on topical issues through our discussion forum and access our new toolkit for advice on Apprenticeships! You can access the latest news, views and events as well as gaining an introduction to the qualifications we offer: CEng, IEng and EngTech.


4. Access to members only web content


As a Student member, you can access content that is exclusively available to ‘members only’, helping you to gain a vital headstart. This content includes:

– ‘Get a Job’ toolkit
– ‘Final Year Project Advice’ toolkit
– ‘Climbing the career ladder’ toolkit
– ‘Self Employment’ toolkit
– Information for overseas students
– Student & Graduate Magazine online
– Specialist Magazines


As part of your membership, you can choose a Specialist Magazine of your choice (six copies per year). These include:

– Manufacturing Engineer
– Information Professional
– Electronic Systems and Software
– Engineering Management
– Communications Engineer
– Computing and Control Engineering
– Power Engineer
– Engineering and Technology Magazine


Engineering and Technology Magazine is our leading membership magazine, published monthly, including news, interviews and technical articles providing you with all the information you need to keep up-to-date. The magazine also includes IET Careers – our classified job advert pages.


5. A world class range of resources


Through our website you can stay at the cutting edge with online resources available to members only – for technical information, planning a career move, or even just changing your email provider.


6. Members discounts


You can actively network with future employers and make contact with local members in your field through our events – gaining valuable leadership experiences and making career contacts as well as having a great time!


7. Scholarships, awards and competitions


Want to broaden your horizons? Need some extra funds? Our Scholarships and Awards are available not only to support your studies but also to fund international travel, whether to support research, professional development or benefit an underprivileged community.


8. Professional Development


Professional Development is about learning – developing your skills, increasing your competence and adopting the right attitude. Whether it’s through a work placement or through one of our Accredited Graduate Schemes, we’ll help you gain the professional polish you need to succeed.


9. Email Alias


Send your CV with confidence in the knowledge you can receive responses wherever you move to after university. Applying for your IET email alias means that you don’t need inform all your contacts if you change your “personal” email address. Simply let us know the new address to which email should be forwarded, and when it’s been confirmed, your emails will be redirected.


10. Technical and Professional Networks


These networks span the whole range of industries and sectors within Engineering and Technology. Getting actively involved in these networks gives you the opportunity to interact with professionals in your specialist field, participate in virtual and physical events and contribute to our online activities.

Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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