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Organizing Chairperson : Caleb Low

Vice Organizing Chairperson : –

Date & Time : 7 March 2018 630pm-8pm

Venue : Top Spot Seafood, Kuching

Participants : 9 SSIET committees, 1 advisor

Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus (SSIET) had successfully organized SSIET on Campus Committee Gathering 2018 on 7 March. The purpose of this event was to discuss the future activities in a relaxing atmosphere and to build strong bond between the committees and the club advisor.

Program flow:

6.30 pm

Gathering of participants at Top Spot Seafood

6.45 pm

The food was served.


Sharing session and discussion of future events were held while having dinner.


End of the event.

Prepared by Caleb Low (Organizing Chairperson)

Organizing Chairperson: Kelly Tan Hui Yee

Vice Organizing Chairperson: Bryan Wee Chung Wei, Jasman Chai Yi Hao

Date & Time: 8 December 2016 (2.00 p.m.) – 9 December 2017 (12.30 a.m.)

Venue: Borneo Tribal Village


11 SSIET Committee Members, 1 SSIET Advisor,

3 Ex SSIET Committees and members

Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus (SSIET) had successfully organized Team Building 2017. Organized by Kelly Tan with the assistance of Bryan Wee and Jasman Chai, it was held on 8 December where Borneo Tribal Village was the chosen destination. The purpose of this event was to build strong bonds of the committee members.

At 2.00 pm, participants are required to meet up at Swinburne University block A lobby to record attendance. Then, committee members were assigned to 4 cars after gathering. Program flow can be found below.

Program flow:

2.00 pm

Gathering of participants at block A lobby, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus.

2.30 pm

Participants are split into 4 cars to carpool the whole journey.

3.00 pm

Organizing chairperson (Kelly Tan) gave instructions to the participants after arriving at Borneo Tribal Village. The participants were assigned to 4 rooms.

Figure 1: Participants exploring the accommodation – a traditional long house

4.00 pm

Participants were gathered at a dining hall and three games were carried out. The games were guided by vice organizing chairperson (Bryan Wee) and such games include:

1. Concentration Clap

- In a group circle, the each participant was required to choose a two syllabuses vegetable or fruit and memorize the vegetable or fruit chosen by other participants. The game then start with hand claps with beat set by the vice organizing chairperson.

2. Straw Circle

- A group circle was formed and each participants was given a 6 cm straw. The participants were required to support the straws with only a finger at each hand. With the participants faced inward the group circle, the participants were required to think of a way to make all participants faced outward of the circle without dropping any of the straws.

3. Taboo!

- The participants were divided into two groups and were required to guess the word given without mentioning any of the forbidden words.

5.45 pm

Tasks were assigned to each participant for dinner preparation. Fire was started for barbeque and a salad was prepared. The whole cooking process took around 90 minutes.

Figure 2: A SSIET committee is grilling hot dogs and fish balls

Figure 2: Another SSIET committee is grilling chicken thighs and wings

9.30 pm

Participants were gathered at the dining hall and divided into three teams to play another game named the FYP. Each team was given a crazy problem and the team was required to come up with a product that can solve the problem. Using the available materials, they were required to create a prototype and demonstrate it to the judges (SSIET advisor and the ex-committees) to convince them that is the best solution.

Figure 3: A team presenting their product to the judges

10.30 pm

Participants were allowed to have free activities and rest.

7.00 am

Breakfast was prepared by some volunteered participants.

8.30 am

Participants were allowed to explore the village’s attractions by themselves.

10.30 am

Participants packed everything and ensured no belonging was left behind. A group photo was taken by the advisor.

Figure 4: A group photo taken before leaving

11.00 am

Gathering at the dining hall before embarking to lunch at Bau.

12.30 pm

All participants arrived safely at Swinburne University lobby before disperse.

Prepared by,


Organizing Chairperson

<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 16 December 2017

Organizing Chairperson: Jonathan Ho Siew Kit

Date & Time: 13 September 2017, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Venue: Block G room 407, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


SSIET Advisors · Dr. Chua Hong Siang

27 SSIET Members

2 Swinburne Sarawak student

On the 13th September 2017, SSIET organized Annual General Meeting with a total number of 29 participants. The meeting discusses about the past events held by SSIET as well as the upcoming events that members and non-members are able to participate. It is also an opportunity to recruit new members.

Activities were as follows:

7:00 pm

Participants arrive at room G407 for the Annual General Meeting. President Jonathan Ho gives an introduction speech on the SSIET and a brief overview of the schedule planned ahead. He also mentioned about the origins of IET and how it has impacted the engineering world. IET embraces teamwork among students.

Introduction to the SSIET main advisor Dr. Chua Hong Siang, Dr. Su, Dr. Lawrence Ting, IET YPS East Malaysia Representative Mr. Jarvis Ling and Ms. Priscilla Toh, and brief introduction to committee members.

7:15 pm

Welcoming speech by SSIET main advisor Dr. Chua Hong Siang. Furthermore, he elaborated on how SSIET built network around Malaysia since establishment.

7:20 pm

Secretary report were presented by Cedric Chung about the past events which are held during semester 1, 2017. These events are Club recruitment drive, General meeting, SolidWorks Workshop, Site Visit to Kuching Centralised Water Treatment Plant, Power Quality Talk, Team Building as well as Appreciation Dinner

7:30 pm

Treasury report from Melvin Wee as he tells us about the income and outcome of every event during semester 2, 2016.

7:35 pm

Announcements on recruiting total of four new committee members as there are empty posts which are Vice Secretary, Vice Treasurer Asst. Logistics & transportation officer, Asst. Education & Welfare officer, Asst. Recruitment & Rectification officer, Asst. Marketing and Publicity Officer and Asst. Multimedia and Design Officer.

7:45 pm

Refreshments were given and group photo were taken in room G407. There were total of three new members who were joining SSIET in this General Meeting.

Participants gathered in the room while meeting is taking place

Dr. Chua presenting the committee certificate to Melvin Wee

SSIET advisors, members and non-members group photo

Prepared by,



<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 16 September 2017

Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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