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Virtual Site Visit, Anyone? || X-FAB Sharing & Career Talk

On 18 February 2019, SSIET held an international collaboration event with Swinburne Hawthorn Campus (Melbourne), organizing a Career Talk and Sharing Session presented by X-FAB (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd. Initially, SSIET wanted to visit X-FAB facility in Sama Jaya Free Industrial Zone, Kuching. However, as renovation works were still on-going at the site, the X-FAB personnel opted to come to the University to do a virtual site presentation, sharing session, and also career talk. Generally, the event aimed to expose the participants to the technical aspects, company structure and culture, health and safety, as well as internship and career opportunities.

Two advisors were present; one from Swinburne Sarawak and the other from Swinburne Melbourne. The participants included students from various countries including Australia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

The event started with an introduction to X-FAB, and a sharing session conducted by Mr. Kueh, an engineer from X-FAB. He talked about how X-FAB has grown to become one of the world leaders in the field of semiconductors. Besides, he also presented on their business nature, company structure, as well as the achievements and products. Moreover, he shared with the participants on his experience in X-FAB. The manufacturing process was also presented, including engineering aspects and health and safety considerations.

Subsequently, Ms. Fazilah conducted a virtual site presentation of the facility. She also encouraged students of relevant backgrounds to apply for an internship or a career with the company. The benefits and culture of working at X-FAB were shown. Ms. Dalimawati then added on Ms. Fazilah’s presentation, and answered the queries of the participants.

The event successfully concluded with a group photo session and refreshments. As the participants and guests were enjoying the food and drinks provided during the event, the participants had the opportunity to network with each other, as well as the guests and staff from X-FAB. In the end, the event was greatly appreciated by X-FAB and the participants, and the presentations were very informative.

Event Report by:

Ling Ting Rang


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