On the 15th November of 2019, Swinburne Sarawak IET on Campus had made a courtesy visit to Trienekens (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd. The visit is to discuss about the poor waste management issues which have been identified in Kampung Salak in our earlier phases and possible solutions to tackle the situations.
The event took place from 3.00pm and ended around 4.30pm at the same day.
The sharing session was carried out among SSIET team with Ms. Katherine and Ms. Janet Balong from Trienekens. The discussion outcomes are summarised in below:
Plasma incinerator and traps are suitable to trap waste from the river.
Kampung Bako, which is geographically similar to Kampung Salak, has implemented waste management system. The project was initiated by DBKU and JICA. The project aims to get the public involvement and raising funds to support the waste management system. Trienekens has provided waste collections from the bin centre which is located at the mainland jetty twice per week.
Despite the existing management waste system, the villagers did not implement it. More intensive investigation needed to be done by both parties, including the village management and the DBKU council.
The contact of DBKU staff who is in charge of the public health is shared for further engagement.
It will be a long run to raise awareness among the villagers. Talks or campaign are recommended. Few parties can be invited to talk on different topics. Trienekens is willing to support as well to give talk about their operations and topics on recycling.
Examples of success measure from DBKU include School Recycling Program, and children reminding their parents to take care of the environment.
School can also be benefited from collecting waste to sell for funds.
Suggestions to engage Natural Resources and Environment Board Sarawak NREB to resolve issues regarding open burning and Sarawak River Board regarding river waste management.
We were informed that Everise is having “all green concept” and can be sought for support as well.
The discussion lasted about 1 hour and 30 minutes and end with a group photo.
Prepared by,
Kau Hui Ting