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Site Visit to Telekom Malaysia Berhad

Organizing Chairperson: Wong Yeng Chien

Date & Time: 28 September 2016

Venue: NMO Meeting Room, 1st Floor, TM WereRoad, 93000, Kuching


5 SSIET Members

4 Swinburne Sarawak students

On 28st September 2016, SSIET has organized and academic site visit to Telekom Malaysia Berhad at WereRoad with a total number of 9 particpants.This site visit aims to expose participants to practical engineering world while giving participants understanding on the analog or digital data signal transmission ie.Internet broadband and TV/Radio broadcasting. The event started at 2.00 p.m. and ended at 5.30 p.m.

Happenings for the event are as follows:

1:45 pm

Participants gathered at Block A’s lobby. Each participant is asked to fill indemnity form and attendance list. Payment were made at the same time.

2:10 am

Participants departed from Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus by bus.

2:30 pm

Arrival at Telekom Malaysia Sarawak. Participants filled out the logsheet at TM main gate for security purpose.

2:35 pm

Faizam Bin Horian, a TM public relation officer leaded us to meeting room and gave a welcoming speech. The event proceeded with self-introduction between participants and TM staff. Then, the session continued by Mr Saha’s briefing on the connection, operation, maintenance of Core Network Cable which transmits data between Sarawak to rest of the world through submarine cables that serve as the optic backbones for example DWDM, SDH, PDH and Metro-E. He further explained the evolution history of data transmission and the potential cause of the cable damage which are natural disasters or anchoring by ships. Difference and usage of single mode (SM) and multimode (MM) cable are also explained. The internet data transmission information from local computer uplinks to cloud server were also explained.

3.15 pm

Briefing by Mr Bahiran regarding the connection, operation and maintenance of internet and phone service from core network cable to residential usage. Different type of connectors were introduced and the Optical Time Domain Ref (OTDR) or Ectometer was emphasized on its importance on determining exact location of broken cable during repairing. The location of data loss can be found with illustrated graph generated by Ectometer. Subsequently, Mr Bahiran discussed the Green Belt ModuleL: DSLAM Overview that commonly used in Streamyx which required solid copper cable. History of Digital Subscriber Loop (DSL) was introduced where it later developed into ADSL and SDSL and ADSL2+. The conversion factor of bit to byte was tested and discussed amongst participants also. Mr Bahiran then covered the different frequency used by voice and ADSL that shared same cable. He continued with internet access requiring process which are, “3A” process i.e. Authenticate, Authorise, and Accounting.


Then, TM’s products and packages (Streamyx, Unifi,HyppTv,TMGO) were promoted by TM staff to participants.


Short break where participants took a meal together with TM staffs.

4:35 pm

Tour to “Exchange” building which serves as the connection centre between Sarawak to rest of the world through submarine cable. Participants has been exposed with the actual workfield where vast amount of cables are arranged according to the location. DSLAM was introduced physically. Then, the participants were brought to TV/Radio broadcasting station. The operation and maintenance of signal transmitting were physically introduced as well.

5:20 pm

Group photo were taken and appreciation plaque were given by OC, Wong Yeng Chien to Telekom Malaysia Berhad represented by Mr Victor Lim.


Leaving from Telekom Malaysia Berhad at Kuching.


Arrival at Swinburne Sarawak.

Figure 1 : Group photo with TM staffs

Figure 2 : Self-introduction between participants and TM staff.

Figure 3 : Mr Saha explaining the core network cable

Figure 4: TM staff promoting Telekom’s products and packages.

Figure 5 : Appreciation gift given by OC, Wong Yeng Chien to Telekom Malaysia’s representative Mr Victor Lim

Prepared by,


Asst. Multimedia and Design Officer,

<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 29 September 2016


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