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Site Visit to Sejingkat Coal Power Plant

On, 8th May 2019, Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus organised an industrial visit to coal power plant, located at Sejingkat Power Corporation Sdn Bhd. The visit was a collaboration event with Dr. Jubaer Ahmad and his students of the unit Electrical Power System.

Total of 15 participants have attended the visit. The participants were accompanied by Dr. Hadi Nabipour Afrouzi, lecturer of Swinburne University of Technology.

The visit aimed to expose students to the whole power generation process with coal-processing.

Participants were gathered at the A-Block Lobby before departed to Sejingkat Power Corporation Sdn Bhd by bus.

Upon arrival, the participants were greeted by Mr. Bonaventure Phillip, the performance engineer and were led to a discussion room.

Participants arrived at the plant.

The officer of Risk Management briefed the participants on Health and Safety practiced by the company. After that, Mr. Bonaventure Phillip explained the history of the company and its current developments and achievements, along with the general process of power generation by using coal.

Participants were briefed by Mr. Bonaventure Phillip.

Mr. Bonaventure Phillip explained the plant.

However, a detailed tour of the plant was not possible due to some unforeseen circumstances. The event ended with a presentation of plague as a token of appreciation to Mr. Bonaventure Phillip.

Group photo.

Prepared by,

Ee Yu Cheng

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