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Site Visit to F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd

Organizing Chairperson: Jasman Chai Yi Hao

Vice Organizing Chairperson: Tsen Xin Hui, Heng Kiat Jing

Date & Time:21 March 2018, 2.00pm – 5.05pm

Venue:F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak


16 SSIET On Campus Members

21 Swinburne Sarawak Student

On the 21st of March 2018, SSIET On Campus organized a Site Visit to F&N Beverages and Marketing Sdn Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak with a total number of 37 participants. The site visit is meant to provide an opportunity for the students to familiarize with the commercial production and packaging of beverages, and to experience the environment in a factory.

The activities that occurred in this event are as follow:

2:00 pm

Participants gathered at Block A Lobby, Swinburne Sarawak. Participants were asked to sign the attendance form and fill in the letter of indemnity.

2:30 pm

Participants departed from Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus by bus.

2:45 pm

Arrival at F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd. Participants were greeted by the factory supervisor, Mr. Clement. The supervisor then briefed us on the safety regulations at F&N, and everyone was given a disposable sanitary cap for hygiene. Participants were also asked to wash their hands before entry to the factory.

3.15 pm

Participants were brought into the meeting room. Everyone was then split into two groups as smaller groups are more effective for the tour.

3:30 pm

Mr. Clement then brought the first group to tour around the factory while the second group stayed in the meeting room and enjoyed drinks provided by F&N.

4:00 pm

Mr. Clement brought the second group to tour around the factory while the first group stayed in the meeting room and enjoyed drinks provided by F&N.

4:30 pm

End of the tour and participants were brought back into the meeting room. Mr. Clement showed the participants two videos from F&N to the participants and gave an ending speech to the participants. Mr. Clement was then presented with an appreciation gift by SSIET, and everyone gathered in the meeting room to take a group photo.

Figure 1: Participants focusing on the videos shown by Mr. Clement.

Figure 2: SSIET committee presenting the appreciation gift to Mr. Clement.

Figure 3: Group photo of the participants with Mr. Clement.

4:50 pm

Participants left the factory and boarded a bus back to Swinburne Sarawak.

5:05 pm

Participants arrived at Swinburne Sarawak.

Prepared by Jasman Chai (Organizing Chairperson)


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