Swinburne Sarawak IET on Campus has successfully organised an Industrial Visit to Batu Kitang Water Treatment Plant. The event was a technical site visit that aimed to expose participants to the process of the water treatment, health and safety, work culture of the companies, as well as networking with Engineers from Kuching Water Board. There were total of 20 participants from various background including Business, Computing, and Engineering.
The participants assembled at Lobby, Block A of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus before 1.30am. The participants departed at the plant at 2.00pm. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mr. Alias Achilleus Abdullah, Assistant Engineer Production Department and guided to Dewan Syarahan or meeting room. After that, light refreshments were served to the participants.
Then, Mr Alias, introduced the history, vision and mission of the plant. The plant has 7 modules that provide the surrounding population of roughly half a million people with an estimation 480 million liters of water per day. Raw water is pumped from the river to the plant where the water undergoes the treatment process of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, fluoridation and stabilization. Then, the water will pump and store to the various reservoirs located in Kuching.
After the talk, the group were taken to the plant, whereby they visited the Module 5 of the plant. From here, participants visited the coagulation area, flocculation area, sedimentation area, and filtration area.
At the end of the event, the organizing chairperson, Ms. Tsen Xin Hui presented a plague to Kuching Water Board as a token of appreciation on hosting the visit.
Prepared by,
Tsen Xin Hui