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Get to know your memberships' benefits||Using IET to the Fullest

On the 2nd of October 2019, Swinburne Sarawak IET on Campus organized a mini workshop – Using IET to the Fullest to give a basic walkthrough of the IET website and how to access the resources that will be crucial in their studies and as an IET member. This workshop was carried out by two speakers, Paul Cornelius Bong, Vice-President as well as Chin Hau Zen, the Recruitment and Rectification Officer.

The SSIET members logged into their accounts on the IET website, and our speakers walked them through Career & Learning session, where the career manager and initial professional development were introduced to the students, the Intelligence and Research section that provides amazing resources especially for students as well as the events and get involved sections. Generally, the event also covered the topic of how to access these information as well as logging them into the IET Malaysia Local Network forum so that they may begin networking with other IET members in Malaysia.

SSIET members grouped together for a group photo of the session. Through this session we hoped that they had become a lot more familiar with the IET website and resources and will be explore further on their own.

Prepared by,

Paul Cornelius Bong


Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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