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Fuzzy Drinks! || Site Visit: F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd

On the 13th November 2019, Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus organized a site visit to F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd with a total number of 9 participants. The event aims to expose students to understand the manufacturing process of product sold in the food and beverages industry.

The activities that occurred in this event are as follow:

2: 00 pm

Participants assembled at Block A Lobby, Swinburne Sarawak. All the participants were asked to fill the letter of indemnity and sign the attendance form before departing

2.50 pm

Arrival at F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd. Participants were greeted by the factory supervisor. The supervisor briefed on the safety regulations and law and regulation before we enter the factory. Participants were also asked to wash their hands and put on shower cap before entering the factory.

3. 15 pm

Factory supervisor brought us to the production line and explain the mixing process of beverages, transferring of beverages from point to point, filling process of beverages, canning process of beverages, and packaging process of beverages.

3.50 pm

Participants were brought into the factory meeting room.

4.00 pm

Participants received drinks provided by F&N along with the videos about the history of F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn Bhd.

4.30 pm

There’s a Q&A session conducted by the factory supervisor for clearing the doubts from students.

The visit ended with the organizing chair, Mr. Eiton handing over a plaque of appreciation to the factory supervisor.

Prepared by,

Lee Zhe Sheng


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