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A small step towards collaboration||Badminton and Networking Session

Swinburne Sarawak IET on Campus organized a networking event with other engineering clubs and societies held on Saturday night. The event was a friendly match between clubs aimed to foster the connection in order to create more opportunities for future collaboration.

The clubs that involved in this event were The institution of Engineering Malaysia Swinburne Sarawak (IEM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Swinburne Sarawak (IEEE), Swinburne Sarawak Robotics and Automation Club (SSRAC) and Swinburne Computer Science Club (SCSC).

The event began at 6.30pm where the participants were assembled at Multi-purpose Hall, Block E of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. The participants arrived at the venue at 6:30pm by their own transports.

Before the matches started, participants were having a mini ice-breaking session. The ice-breaking session lasted about 15 minutes. The matches end by 9:10pm. All of the participants received refreshments before leaving.

The participants warming up for the matches.
The participants in action.
Group Photo

Prepared by,

Benjamin Arif Anak Johin


Copyright © SSIET 2019 

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