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Solidworks Workshop (Fourbar Linkage Application)

Organizing Chairperson: Wong Yeng Chien

Date & Time: 14 April 2018, 8:30am – 12:30pm

Venue: A310, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus


8 SSIET On Campus Members

16 Swinburne Sarawak student

Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus (SSIET) had successfully organized Solidworks Workshop (Fourbar Linkage Application) on 18 March 2018. This workshop successfully exposed SSIET members and Swinburne students to basic concept of CAD modelling and fundamentals functions of Solidworks such as motion analysis. Also, kinematics of four bar linkage mechanism is explained and to be applied directly using Solidworks.

Following shows the activities conducted during event.

8.20 am

Committees had arrived and set up the venue, A310.

8.30 am

Participants entered the venue and registered for the attendance. Welcoming speech was given by Wong Yeng Chien (OC), followed by briefing session where event flow was clarified to participants.

8.45 am

Workshop commenced. Concept of fourbar linkage and its application is explained by main instructor, Wong Yeng Chien. Participants were exposed to the difference between part file and assembly file of Solidworks. Then, fundamental sketching and geometry modelling technique of CAE were introduced. For example line, circle, arc, mirror, copy, smart dimension and extrusion feature are explained together with the function tab. Also, the convenient feature of Solidworks was explained compared to other CE software.

Figure 1: Welcoming speech by Wong Yeng Chien (OC)

Then, another three similar bar but with different link length were generated using sketch of the first drawing. Once completed, OC explained the interface of Assembly file and its importance. Participants were coached to insert four part components into assembly. Difference between the fix and float was explained. Then, the mating feature and its panel was introduced for example concentric and coincident. Consequently, the remaining three bar were connected to the grounded bar, by concentric and coincident mating, one by one.

Lastly, Solidworks Motion Analysis was introduced to participants. Concept of timeline and addition of rotary motor were introduced as well. Participants were guided to create rotation of bar by selecting the centre of rotation, direction of rotation and motor speed. As the result, each participants could have a animation of the whole mechanism by giving one turning input. After that, motion plot feature was introduced, particularly the trace path of the point during the motion. Then, tutorial session of this workshop had ended.

Figure 2: Tutorial session

10.30 am

Short break and networking session.

11.00 am

Resume of the workshop by announcing topic of the mini-competition, which was to create the car wiper mechanism with Solidworks. Participants were asked to form group of two or three and to adopt the skills acquired during workshop. Also, main instructor, Wong Yeng Chien introduced the Grashof equation to remind participants of the limits to design the length of two separate four-bar mechanism; first wiper driven by motor, while second wiper is driven by the first wiper in parallel motion. During this session, participants showed teamwork skill to discuss and design the linkage before constructing them in Solidworks as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Designing process for car wiper competition

After an hour, participants were asked to submit their work through google form to be assessed. Marking rubrics include the amount of completion, the overall performance of mechanism, creativity, and demonstration of Solidworks skills. After evaluation by OC and the helpers, the Starbucks gift card and souvenir from SSIET were won by group 5. All participants were asked to give the feedbacks regarding the workshop.

12.15 pm

Prizes giving ceremony and group photo session.

Figure 4: Winner of the competition (Group 5)

Figure 5: Group photo taken end of the workshop

12.30 pm

Dismiss of workshop, packup and leave.

Prepared by,

Wong Yeng Chien

Organizing Chairperson,

Asst. Multimedia and Design Officer

<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>

Date: 15 APRIL 2018


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