Organizing Chairperson: Jonathan Ho Siew Kit
Date & Time: 27 September 2017, 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue: Block A room 310, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
11 SSIET On Campus Members
6 Swinburne Sarawak student
On the 27th September 2017, SSIET On Campus organized Introduction To SolidWorks Workshop 1.0 with a total number of 15 participants, 2 student mentors and SSIET On Campus president. The following workshop introduces the basics of SolidWorks, the importance of the software and the wide applications of the software in the engineering world.
Activities were as follows:
2:30 pm
Participants and fellow mentors arrive at A310 computer lab and proceeded to set up their computers after taking attendance. Current SSIET On Campus President, Jonathan Ho, gave a welcoming speech to all the participants and introduced the other mentors, Alex Liew and David Chung.
Jonathan then explained the importance of SolidWorks in the engineering world, followed by a brief overview on the topics which will be covered.
2:45 pm
The first part of SolidWorks Workshop, taught by student mentor Alex Liew, is the startup of the software in which units will be in millimeter, gram, and second (MMGS).
Sketching, dimensioning and extruding will all be based on millimeters.
In sketching, participants were able to grasp and apply quickly the basics shapes before proceeding. They were also advised to dimension the objects so that it can be easily altered if needed. Other features including trimming, fillet, and mirroring were also taught before extruding of object.
3:20 pm
For the extruding boss/base part of the workshop, participants were first taught how to change the view from simple plane view to front view, right view and also isometric view. Panning and rotating of objects made it convenient for users to view the object from a different perspective.
Other than just extruding simple 2-Dimensional sketches into 3-Dimensional objects, participants also learned how to properly cut specific shapes as well as add objects on top of the existing base using extrude cut and rapid sketch respectively.
Moreover, the workshop also touched upon the different ways to extrude an object such as revolving a shape around an axis line, swept base and lofted base.
3:50 pm
Half hour break and socialising session with light refreshments provided.
4:20 pm
Second part of the extruded base section sees the student mentor, David Chung Khoon Hsian covered slightly advanced features. Linear and circular pattern are popular features as it copies the desired object and recreate it in a linear or circular direction. If extruded objects are not smooth enough, it can also be rounded with fillet and chamfer.
The last feature that was covered in the workshop for extruded base was the dome feature. Dome feature will alter the shape of the flat surface to become rounded instead of the edge. This is more practical for objects such as door handles and furniture.
4:30 pm
The last and most important part that is covered in the workshop is assembly. Assembly allows users to mate/join many parts together in order to create a complete object. Participants were given the files previously drawn and extruded from the internet of a caster wheel and the base.
Various types of mating joins different parts together to create a full assembly.
Photo taking session and debriefing of the workshop.
5:15 pm
End of program.
5:30 pm
The workshop received pleasant feedbacks from all the participants and hope to attend other SSIET On Campus events in the future.
Prepared by,
<Swinburne Sarawak IET On Campus>
Date: 4 OCTOBER 2017